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The Creeping Spleen

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Everything posted by The Creeping Spleen

  1. You're not missing out on much. They were of vastly varying quality. Of the ones I bought, "Halcyon" was the only one I kept after I had a major clear out. It's notable for capturing the humour of SGA. Particularly in a scene where Carson Beckett head butts a Wraith drone and immediately has a "what the hell did I just do?" moment. 🙂
  2. This is one of the SGA novels I'm talking about, the ones from Fandemonium Press. The ones that were like three steps away from self published/vanity press fan-fiction. It was definitely UK special forces of some kind that were on Atlantis. Now I think about it, they might've been SAS.
  3. Wasn't a squad of Royal Marines assigned to Atlantis in "Halcyon" by James Swallow? I remember them referring to the Goa'uld as "growlers" (because of the deep voices) and Wraith as "Bozos" (because they look like clowns).
  4. Ok. What sort of price should I be asking for it? A rough estimate will do.
  5. I know just the place. ☺️ The former HMS Gannet, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm search and rescue base which is attached to Prestwick Airport in Ayrshire Scotland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Gannet_(stone_frigate)
  6. Back in my SG-999 days, the team's kit was basically variations on a theme of olive green. But it was always a matter of each member's personal preference. I went with an OG army shirt with long sleeves and epaulettes with a plain black t-shirt underneath, a pair of OG BDU trousers, and a pair of Magnum combat boots. A couple of the other guys had short sleeve shirts. One guy had a pretty decent replica of the modded Wep 8 jackets that were used on the series. We got a dozen or so Earth symbol patches from eBay (I think), and our bossfella Nick got some custom SG-999 unit patches made.
  7. How about under Glasgow Central Station? There's miles of old rooms and tunnels etc. that aren't open to the public.
  8. I kind of feel SG-23 would be multi-service, drawn from Army, Royal Navy, RAF, and Marines. Kind of like the way Combined Operations was run during WWII.
  9. Hmmm... This could be a problem. At present, my budget is so tight it practically squeaks. Can you give me a rough estimate of costs?
  10. Ok, forget about the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent patch. I'll work something out for that myself. Height - around 5 feet 5 inches in my bare feet The crucial thing is I've a bit of a belly, and am a 52 inch waist.
  11. Fair enough. Overall, I'd say the vest is in very good condition. Other than test fittings when I first bought it (back in 2001 or so), I wore it at two Stargate cons, maybe a dozen or so meetings of my local Star Trek/sci-fi/fantasy group, and two or three "evening with" events. The last time I wore it was in 2009, adapted for use with a modern era UNIT trooper cosplay when the travelling Doctor Who Exhibition was in Glasgow. Myself and a few of the guys were asked to entertain the crowds etc. At various times we had a Fourth Doctor, an Auton, a Clockwork Android, a Slitheen, a Judoon Trooper, and one or two others. Since then, it's been hanging up in a corner of my wardrobe.
  12. I can still zip it up, just and no more. So the replacement just needs to be a little bit bigger. As for the radio pouch, as long as my phone fits it'll be ok. I've a 2017 model Samsung Galaxy A3, with the dimensions 136 x 67 x 8mm. Next question - can you adapt the back of the vest so I could mount a "S.H.I.E.L.D. AGENT" tactical ID patch without having to resort to MOLLE clips?
  13. A straight swap is fine with me. ☺️ PM me your details, and I'll get right on it.
  14. Ok, here's some pics of my vest. Front, back, left side, right side.
  15. Cheers mate. This is the artwork on the back of my flying jacket. It's based on a piece of artwork that belonged to my late father. He served in the Merchant Navy during WWII, aboard something called a "Mac Ship" - a Merchant Aircraft Carrier. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about it as my father never really spoke about his war service in any great detail.
  16. I can't afford to go to many cons these days. My one major "Away from home and staying in a hotel" type con is Edinburgh Comic Con in early April. Other than that, there's Glasgow Comic Con at the end of June, Film & Comic Con Glasgow in mid-August, MCM Scotland in September (which is a maybe at this point in time), plus a couple of local-ish one day mini cons here and there. Haven't worn my SG gear in quite a while. These days if I cosplay, I'm either a sort of Battlestar Galactica/WWII pilot mashup, or my own take on a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
  17. The name's not familiar, sorry. We might have bumped into each other at a con back in the day though.
  18. I was thinking about doing the following. Undo one of the side strings and remove it from the vest. Measure it a couple of times. Adding a few inches. Double that. Buy the required amount of black paracord from an appropriate source. Cut it in half. Re-lace side strings.
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